Get To Know Me
As Pastor, I desire that each of you will use this website to its fullest extent to learn the ways of God, the ways of the church, the true concept of being in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, what to expect from various leaders, what is expected of you, and how each of you can take your place in the church family to ensure the manifestation of the Church Covenant and Church Vision. I hope you will agree with me that God has called each of us to a ministry and a lifestyle that will lead someone else to Him. Let us go forth with the power and authority that is rightfully ours through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus says, "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." (Revelation 22:12) I pray that you do not let Him come and catch you with your work undone.

Who We Are

Sunflower Missionary Baptist Church is a faith-based family of believers. A place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community where  everyone is welcome. 

What We Do

We create a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use those gifts for God's glory.

What's Different

We give you a direct connection to the source through traditional sound doctrine while embracing the new style of bringing the message of Jesus Christ.
Lessons for Life Ministry is designed to rightly divide the Word of Truth that others may hear and become doers of the Word of God. To help boys and girls, men and women through the church school as they all grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as instructed in Matthew 28 :19 - 20; Luke 14:27, 33; John 8:31 - 32. To reach all persons with the Word of Truth, to teach all persons to live by the Word of Truth, to win the undecided with the Word of Truth, to enlist others to join the ranks and become Bible students, to train all to become holy through living the word, and to build his or her own personal relationship with Christ.
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        Weekly Meetings 



Early Morning Worship - 7:45am
Consecration - 9am
Lesson For Life Ministry - 9:15am
Morning Worship - 11am
Book  Club - 7 pm
Members can attend by Zoom


Relationship Class - 7pm
Members can attend by Zoom 



Pastor's Bible/Life Study - 11am
Lesson for Life Ministry - 6pm
Prayer and Praise Service - 7pm
Worship  and Arts Ministry - 8pm
Preachers Class - 6 pm
Street Ministry (June - Aug) - 6 pm


Pastor's Bible/Life Study - 7 pm
Youth Bible Study - 7 pm
Members can attend by Zoom

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